Sunday, January 12, 2014


Over my Christmas break, I was able to do a lifeknowledge lesson with my Ag Leadership class. This class consist of students ranging in grades from 9-12. The class is basically made up by the FFA officer team plus 3 other students. I was asked to do a lesson on team building. Mrs. Fry said that the officers are like her and like to work on their own and need to work on communication with each other.

For my lesson I decided to do more activities then lecture. I had about 5 minutes of lecture and then the rest the students got to do activities that showed them that for anything in life, you need to communicate. My first activity was for them to draw a picture and explain it. Students did okay with this. I was not as clear on directions as I should have been but it worked out after I explained it better. For the second activity, I had a displayed hid. The students were to pick 1 looker, 1 runner and the rest of the group puts the display together. This went really well. Half way through, I switched roles. This is when things got interesting. It really showed who was able to listen to what others were saying along with who was good at giving descriptions.

Overall my lesson went okay. I wish that I would have had more lecture. I think that it would have gone better if I was able to pick my own topic and not have to use life knowledge. Overall it was a great experience and gave me the chance to get to know students that I would be teaching.

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